Friday, December 9, 2011

In all of living have much fun and laughter :)

We woke up to a flooded house on Wednesday morning.

Not another natural disaster. No. Just a disfunctional washer that turns itself on in the middle of the night and continues filling the whole house.

But hey. At least we got our carpet cleaned for free :)

Most of our furniture is up off the floor anyway, so we just laugh about it.

But isn't it great how the Lord teaches us in so many different ways? There is something to be learned in every experience we go through. If we will take the time to look for it.
Today I learned something that seems so simple, but I thought I would share it anyways:
 If we do not doubt, the Lord can do miracles. 
And He will. We just need to open our eyes to see them.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Six Weeks...

Life as of late:

 We had a Hawaiian Thanksgiving! On Wednesday night a bunch of people got together for the emu; which is how they usually cook the kalua pig. But this time everyone put their turkeys in as well, so they would be ready for the next day. It was quite a process, and it was fun to watch it all being done. And the turkey was delicious the next day.
 We bought a waterproof camera so we could get pictures like this while snorkeling :)
We thought it would be smart since we're in Hawaii.
Brett's mom came for a week and this was her last night here as we went to the beach for the sunset.
Austin screams and screams when he's tired. Which is a lot of the time since he doesn't sleep much...ever.
So when he gets himself to that breaking point, he isn't really sure what's wrong, so he just screams. 
Then all of the sudden he stops, and he's asleep. 
In the top picture I didn't know what else to do to try and help him calm down so I laid him on the couch and leaned over him just holding him, and he stopped all of the sudden. And that is how I left him. Granted, he didn't stay asleep for long because he never does - especially on his back. But it was cute anyways.
Then on Sunday Brett put him in all different comfortable positions trying to get him to calm down. He put himself in this one and was all the sudden asleep.
Whatever works I guess.
 BYU vs. Hawaii Game Day!! Don't worry. He knows how to make the Y already :) We taught him early.
And it's been six weeks already. 
Time goes way too fast with this little guy.
 Austin got his first feel of the sand and water :)
 And we went kayaking.

And another pretty sunset. Of course.

It is amazing being a mom.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Just a little gem of happiness after he had a hard morning...