Monday, March 12, 2012

Austin loves his daddy

Brett was gone for a few days for a competition. Austin was pretty happy when he came home :)

New Tricks

We've been doing the gorilla sit for a while now...

But over the past couple of days we've gotten to this :)
He's growing up too fast...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Our Growing Little Boy

We were a week late, but Austin had his four month check-up today. He is always so happy when we're in the with doctor. He talked and babbled the entire time making it hard for us to have a conversation, but oh so cute. It was so sad when he got his shots though. He was talking and smiling at the nurse the whole time she was getting him ready...and then the shots. At least he smiled at her afterwards. He's a tough kid.

Length: 26 1/2 in. (90%)
Weight: 14lb 9oz (30%)

Long and skinny. I wonder where he got that from...

Just a few short things about him :)
He moves ALL the time. Laying down, in his carseat, in his stroller, in your arms...ALL the time. He's really hard to hold, but doesn't like to be put down.
He wants to grab everything. Its hard to take a drink without him punching the cup out of my hand.
Everything he grabs goes straight to his mouth.
He drools. A lot.
He loves his hands. He sucks/chews on them all the time. Hence, he is always covered in slobber. And so am I.
He still doesn't like his car seat, at all. He screams the whole time while we're driving. Screams. Not just cry. But really screams. It makes me cry.
He smiles at everyone. He loves people. And he loves to be talked to. 
He babbles, talks and laughs all day. Especially if you pay attention to him.
He likes to be the center of attention. If you stop paying attention to him, he gets upset, even if two seconds earlier he was laughing.
He loves baths still.
He has discovered Rika (the dog). And loves to watch her. Sometimes while he's staring at her he'll just laugh at her every once in a while. It's pretty cute. And she's really good about him trying to grab her face. She's been punched a few times.
We're still struggling with reflux, but at least having the medicine lets him be happy, even if we are covered in spit up all day.
He loves his daddy. He gets so happy when he gets home from work.
He moves himself around on the floor like an inch worm.
His sleeping habits are improving.
And he's my little angel.

Going Swimming!

At the Zoo