Sunday, November 11, 2012

Quick Video Update for the Grandparents

Just a few recent videos and pictures before I continue my catching up of the blog...

He was dancing for himself in the mirror for a long time before this. By the time I got the camera he was almost done. But he's still cute to watch.

We went walking the other day and he found sprinklers on in someones yard. So of course he had to play. After I turned the camera off he got soaked. And loved it :)

Austin and Rika chase each other around all day taking balls from the other and running. And then he  usually tackles her. I don't think you get the joy of watching the tackle in this video though. I'll post one of those later. 

Sorry about the mess of toys in this one, but he has a cute laugh anyway.

I'll get some more pictures up soon of our adventures. Enjoy :)