Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Walking In Memphis


So I've been absent for a while, but seriously, it's been a little crazy. Okay, no excuses. But I'm trying to make up for it right now. We're going to go back in time to April.

Brett graduated from his Engineering Basic Officer Leadership Course in Missouri! He was mostly just happy to be done with school for real for a while. He went to two more weeks of training after that before we actually left Missouri. The first weekend of the month we put our truck on a boat to be sent to Hawaii in hopes that it would make it there before we did so we would have some transportation. This little escapade involved driving to Tennessee to pick up a car Brett's parents were so nice to let us borrow, and drive back to Missouri the next night. But it was fun to spend Conference Weekend with his family, even though it seemed like a whirlwind of a weekend. The next morning we drove the truck to St. Louis to send it off. And this meant that I had to drive a manual transmission for the next month, which I have never done longer than like, well, 10 minutes at a time when Brett would make me do it. But I am proud to say I only stalled once at a stop sign on a hill. I never did get over being nervous to drive every time I got in the car to go somewhere though.

I took another trip to Tennessee with Brett's mom just after graduation to be there when the movers came to get the things we had left in his parent's garage. Once again, they are very kind for letting us stash our things like that. I got back to Missouri with a week left to pack up our remaining things, have one more set of movers come for just a small shipment of things, and clean the whole house so we could check out the next weekend when his training ended. But of course, I left most of the cleaning to the last two days, as it always happens. But we did it :) Brett just got bored and tired of all the cleaning and packing at midnight...and this is what happens when he finds foil lying around...

And after a few hours of homelessness between the cleaning check and Brett's class ending...we started our drive to Tennessee!

Brett spent two weeks working at the recruiting station near his house, but he only had to work part time, which left lots of play time. So we had fun. It was nice for him to have a break.

Zipline rides and landing in the pond
Shooting practice in the back yard

Canoeing and kayaking down the flooding river in the kayak Brett built when he was probably 14 :) 
(I have a picture of it, and it's really cool, but it's on my phone...)

Four wheeling through the woods and the mud

Running through the fields with the deer
Playing with Lydia and Sadie

Fishing in the pond and only Reed being successful

Brett hunting snapping turtles

A night walking in Memphis, complete with a stroll down Beale Street and almost riding in a Cinderella pumpkin...until we asked how much it would cost!
Dinner at the historic Majestic theater in Memphis
Watching the flooding of the Mississippi
Brett fixed and sold his old dirtbikes!
And front row seats to a Redbirds game...with fireworks at the end! (Thanks to Lindsay Blain)

I think I'm going to leave it at that for now. Just know it was a fun two weeks. And then we flew to Hawaii...

Hawaii will be another post. I'm getting there. Oh yea, and so will the baby :)
But for now, I'm going to the beach!


  1. yay! What a great post! I'm so glad that you guys got to have some play time before officially moving and all the stress that comes with that. I'm looking forward to the post on Hawaii and the baby! :) And this is my official request for a baby bump picture. Please! :)

  2. AHHHHHHH You are pregnant!!!!!

  3. i second katie's request for baby bump pics. It sounds like you guys have been having so much fun. I am a little jealous of all the adventures you and brett get to go on and have ahead of you. when do you find out what you're having?

    (it keeps saying this is anonymous, so in case it doesn't post right, this is kayleen :)
