Friday, November 11, 2011

My Perfect Little Miracle

Honestly, I can't believe I am writing about three weeks already. I keep telling him he isn't allowed to grow up anymore. I guess I'll just have to hope that he will keep wanting  to snuggle with me for a long time to come...

For those of you who wanted to is just a timeline of little Austin's birth.

Wednesday, October 19: Everything was normal. Braxton-hicks contractions had been increasing, but not enough to make me think anything was going to happen. That night though, was the first night I didn't get much sleep in months. I wasn't comfortable at all, and everything juust seemed to be achy.

Thursday, October 20: I tried to get out of bed but all of the sudden had a huge cramp and could barely stand up. I went to take the dog outside, but couldn't really walk much. And the pain kept coming back. These cramps continued all day long. I told Brett that it was the first day of the pregnancy that I really felt like I couldn't do normal things...

Thursday night was worse than Wednesday night. Apparently, these cramps were contractions, as I learned from some women in the ward later that night. And they continued all night long. They seemed worse while I was trying to sleep. Needless to say, I was tired on Friday morning.

Friday, October 21: The contractions didn't seem as bad. I had a check-up that morning, and I was at a 2 and 75% effaced. But the doctor said it could be days. he told me he had a woman who had contractions constantly for over a week and was still not past a 1. When he saw that my due date was the next day he kind of laughed and told us that he had only ever delivered 2 babies on their due date. So he told me to just relax.

Friday night was harder than Thursday night. And I don't remember sleeping for more than 10 minutes at a time, if that. I spent the last hour (4-5am) in the bathroom so that I wouldn't bother Brett every time one of the contractions came.

Saturday, October 22: Brett was supposed to go for a bike ride around the island. I climbed back in bed just as he was about to get up and he asked me how I was. He didn't even know I had been gone for an hour. He asked if I wanted him to not go, and I felt bad keeping him in case nothing happened. But he decided he should maybe stay just in case, make breakfast, head to the swap meet, etc. But we didn't get much further than starting to get ready.

Contractions started being about a minute and a half apart at around 6 or so. Showering and getting ready took twice as long as it should have. Brett made breakfast, and got ready as if we were heading out for the day. But the contractions weren't going away.

We went to the hospital around 11:30 or 12:00, hoping I was far enough that they would let us stay, because we didn't really want to go back home. And I was at a 4-5! So we stayed. I kind of wish we had stayed home longer. Because once you're there they want to moniter the baby the whole time. And there was no way I was laying down for contractions - that made things 100 times worse. But I had to, every half hour so they could make sure everything was fine.

When they checked me again 2 hours later I hadn't changed much, and that was a little bit frustrating. But we just kept on chugging along.

The next time they checked though, I was at an 8! And that was seriously the greatest news I had heard so far. The doctor said it was time to break my water, but that contractions would get worse once he did that. I was exhausted and pretty much told Brett I was done; the baby had to come right then. Looking back now I kind of laugh at myself. But Brett was great. The doctor said that if I wanted an epidural I could still get it as long as I could sit still. And he said I could still get it after he broke my water if I wanted it.

I honestly didn't think I could sit still for that long. Contractions were coming a few in a row with less than a minute break in between. So...we didn't do the epidural...

And it was hard.

But when this little face was handed to me it didn't really matter anymore.
 He was born at 6:32pm 
October 22, 2011

And now he will be three weeks old tomorrow.
He doesn't like to be put down.
But for now I'm okay with that. I will take all of the snuggling I can get.
His favorite way to fall asleep is curled up on me or Brett.
He will only stay asleep on his back in his bed if he is swaddled. He wakes himself up if he isn't.
He sleeps way better during the day than at night. But we'll get through it.
He doesn't like his carseat because he feels too restrained. He likes to move. All the time.
He has long arms, and he always hits himself in the face when he sneezes.
He has Brett's mouth and long skinniness but my nose, ears, and toes. My best features for sure. haha
We're still working on his eyes. But we think they're from me. He looks just like my baby photo.
He's really cute when he's upset. That sounds mean, but his face is adorable.

He's my perfect little miracle.


  1. I'm shocked it's already been three weeks too. Thanks for sharing the story. I always like labor stories. I hated the monitors with Ezra, so I requested not to have them or an IV with Makai and it made moving around much easier. They still monitored when I would let them, but they didn't have the monitors strapped on like it was with Ezra. I'm one of those give birth in a bathtub kind of opinions though. haha. Sounds like it was a long labor, but you made it through! He really is adorable. Congrats to you both.

  2. Aww Courtney time goes by so quickly. He's such a cutie! Enjoy the cuddling, it goes away too fast. Before you know it he's going to be walking all over like he owns the place.
