Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Time to Update I Suppose...

Just an update on a few things I guess. I'm not very good at keeping this up to date. I'm working on it.


I'm 25. And that's weird. Thank you to Richard for reminding me that I am now a quarter of a century old. I guess I can't blame him though. That was the first thing I said to him when he turned 25 too. I liked being 24. I didn't feel like I was very old. For some reason, 25 makes me feel a lot older...

I've tried to be somewhat crafty, for Brett's sake. He wishes I was more inventive, creative, etc. So I'm working on it. We brought these old metal dressers and cabinets from Utah. And we wanted something that looked a little bit...well different than they did when we got them. So I painted them. Crackle painted to be exact. Which stressed me out like painting has never done before. They aren't perfect, but they definitely look better. Except that I like the first one I did better than the second. So much for practice makes perfect. No practice looked better than practice. Here are the dressers:

And here is the other old metal cabinet we took from Utah, and decided to reuse. I actually forgot we even brought it with us until the moving guys took it out of the truck. It isn't done yet, I have a few more things I'm doing to it, but in case I don't get back on here anytime soon, here it is so far (the before and after):

Baby update:

Four more weeks!
I'm kind of going a little crazy knowing that. It's stressing me out a little bit. The delivery isn't even what scares me though. It's what's after that, that scares me the most. I don't feel ready for a baby. I probably never will. But it's just hitting me now that it is so close, and I'll be considered full term this weekend, and it could happen anytime after that...I don't think I'll be early. But just knowing that the time is so close...
I just pray every night that I can be who I need to be. other news...
we got a bed. And a stroller and carseat. The bed isn't set up yet, because I thought I might get a different one. Brett likes the one we got better, so he just wants to keep it. But I'm still debating. Thanks to recommendations from Michele - we got the baby trend jogging stroller and carseat together. And we like them...a lot. So far. Not that we have the baby yet...Brett had to try it out.

 And here are the pictures of me for those of you who wanted to see (35 and 36 weeks):

The baby decided to grow. No one believes me that I only have a month left though. But this past weekend I feel like I look closer to it than I did before.  And I finally know what braxton-hicks contractions are. About time maybe.They did some testing for preeclampsia a couple of weeks ago because my blood pressure rose at my appointment. But the next appointment it was back down lower than before. That was good to see.

I feel like I have been very blessed during this whole thing. It really hasn't been bad at all. My ankles started swelling up last week, but not even enough to really hurt. I just can't tie my shoes as tight, and I can't see my bones as well. But I can still wear my wedding ring :) Hooray. The baby (who still doesn't have a name) really enjoys sitting up in my ribs, so my upper back hurts if I sit too long. But other than that, it hasn't been bad at all. And I feel very blessed to be able to get everything moved in and together before he comes.

Thats all for now folks :)
Til next time!


  1. Courtney! You are so adorable. I was smiling the whole time I was reading this. Thanks for the shout out by the way. :) I'm glad you're liking your stroller so far. Thanks for the pictures too! You're such a cute pregnant person. You will be a wonderful mother. Don't stress too much about it. You are going to be amazed how blessed you'll be and how naturally nurturing will come. Your little baby is so lucky because he has amazing parents. We miss you guys so much which is crazy because we weren't really even together that long. Thanks for being great friends.

  2. i think you are very crafty. as you know, James is the same way brett is, but I am not as good as you when it comes to actually doing something about it. You are a very cute pregnant lady. I missed your birthday :( Sorry! I never have been good with birthday's. Happy belated. 25 really does seem much older than 24 :( Weird. Good luck with your last month! I pray that everything will continue to go smoothly for you.

  3. yay!! I love it when you update! Happy Happy birthday-hope you got our message! :)

  4. two babies later, i still don't feel ready for a baby. but it all works out. and you guys are so fantastic - you'll be great parents. you are looking great! and the end is in sight - and that's when things really get fun. you will love it!
