Monday, September 19, 2011

For My Family's Entertainment....

Here's the kind of Tahitian dance I did with some of the ladies in the ward. I look huge. Everyone loved that I did it pregnant...but it was nothing compared to teaching Bhangra and Salty Dog Rag to the youth last week. Should have waited until I was past my due date. It definitely would help :)

Enjoy :)


  1. Good job...glad you are still getting to dance! april

  2. malie ta'ahine! malo, malo e faiva! kuo hokosia e taimi ke ma o atu pea ma fai ema tisiko foki! malie atu!

  3. Yay!! Such a good break for Tanner and I. We'll watch it every time we don't want to do homework! :) You're so cute!

  4. THIS IS AWESOME!!!! Love it. You rock girl! Hottest pregnant mama' ever!
