Monday, August 13, 2012

On the run!

So it's been a while...

I will post more later. BUT...
Here's what our little man has been up to...

Yea he's all over the place.  And just today he figured out how to get up from sitting all on his own. And I didn't even see it! He was just all the sudden up and walking again. I can't blink with this kid! Which means he no longer has to come to me to stand him up...which means he'll be even more all over the place. Here we go!!

And just because he's so cute; here's a picture for you.


  1. So cute!!! He's really fast! I love how he keeps his arms up, simply adorable!

  2. love that little face. so cute to hear him proudly laugh while walking. What a beautiful baby he is.

  3. his hair is sooo blonde now! Funny how he and winston are so alike and different at the same time. we really need to skype soon so those 2 can see each other...winston loves other kids!

  4. He is adorable! I am in love with the blonde hair. Ian has that too. I never want to cut it.
